SailfishOS RPM Packaging - Part 1

Some tips

A short word on how .spec and .inc files work then using rpm packaging for Sailfish.

Internal variables

Rpm-internal variables - i.e. variables defined in .spec or .inc files - can be used as follows:

  1. First, define the variable, e.g. via %define device kagura.
  2. Then use the variable via %{device}.


.spec files can include .inc files via %include statements, e.g. %include

It makes most sense to first define a variable in a device-specific .spec file and then call an .inc file which uses the variable.


When using a single .spec or .inc file to define multiple packages, it makes sense to use the following pattern:

%define rpm_device f8331
Summary: 	Droid HAL package for %{rpm_device}
Name: 		droid-hal-%{rpm_device}
Version: 	0.0.6
Provides:	droid-hal
BuildRequires:  systemd

The main name (or stem) for all packages is droid-hal-%{rpm_device}, e.g. droid-hal-f8331.

Then, further down the file, the sub-packages inherit the stem:

%package devel
Provides: droid-hal-devel
Summary: Development files for droid-hal device: %{rpm_device}
%description devel
Device specific droid headers for %{rpm_device}.
Needed by libhybris

The %package macro takes the stem and prepends it. Thus, with Name = droid-hal-f8331, %package devel gets expanded to droid-hal-f8331-devel.

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