Quick: Misc Build system quirks

Module partition tags

Short overview over the Android.bp buildvars for modules, since they make no sense and I can never remember them.

See soong/android/module.go.

proprietary: Whether this is a proprietary vendor module, and should be installed into /vendor
Use soc_specific instead for better meaning.

vendor: Whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip).
When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).
Use soc_specific instead for better meaning.

soc_specific: Whether this module is specific to an SoC (System-On-a-Chip).
When set to true, it is installed into /vendor (or /system/vendor if vendor partition does not exist).

device_specific: Whether this module is specific to a device, not only for SoC, but also for off-chip peripherals.
When set to true, it is installed into /odm (or /vendor/odm if odm partition does not exist, or /system/vendor/odm if both odm and vendor partitions do not exist).
This implies soc_specific:true.

product_specific: Whether this module is specific to a software configuration of a product (e.g. country, network operator, etc).
When set to true, it is installed into /product (or /system/product if product partition does not exist).

Dependencies on other modules

Normally, linking to a module automatically adds it to the build. But if you have a non-library module, you can still require its presence from another module:

prebuilt_etc {
    name: "android.software.live_wallpaper.xml",
    src: "android.software.live_wallpaper.xml",

android_app {
    name: "LiveWallpapersPicker",
    srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
    required: ["android.software.live_wallpaper.xml"],
    // [...]

For the full example, see wallpapers: Android.bp.

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