All you need for basic functionality is:
- Play Store
- Play Services
Can be disabled:
- Packageinstaller
- Market Feedback Agent
- DialerFramework
- YouTube
- Calendar
- Docs Suite
- Google App
- Chrome
- Maps
- Photos
- Google Enrollment apps
- Lens
- Play Music, Movies
- Google Partner Setup
- Device Health Services
- Carrier Services
- Security:
- Turn off Google Play Protect and Find My Device
- Show lockdown option
- Disable Smart Lock and Smart Lock For Passwords
- Deactivate all Device Admin apps (but “Find my device” and Google Pay will auto-reactivate themselves all the time, so somehow moot)
- Deactivate all Trust agents
- Wi-Fi Preferences: Turn off “Open Network Notification”
- NFC: Turn off Android Beam
- Printing: Turn off default printing service
- Google Settings:
- Opt out of ads personalization
- Disable Google Drive backups and back up to somewhere else
- Disable Google Pay
- Disable Firebase app indexing