SailfishOS Porting for Xperia XZ ================================ *This is a draft* Official vs Community --------------------- Official Sailfish X builds use a different structure. We will focus on community adaptations. First of, the setup is a bit unintuitive to understand: Sailfish relies on a ready-made AOSP or LineageOS port on the ``system`` partition. Then Sailfish provides its own boot image named ``hybris-boot.img``. It contains a single ``init`` script in its ramdisk that loads the Sailfish root filesystem from ``/data/.stowaways/sailfishos`` and ``chroot``\s to it early in the boot sequence. (The Sailfish root file system gets built using ``misc``.) *Focus here on procedure for community builds* Preparation ----------- Use the following settings in your `~/.hadk.env`: .. code:: export PLATFORM_SDK_ROOT="/srv/mer" export ANDROID_ROOT="$HOME/hadk" export VENDOR="sony" export DEVICE="f8331" export FAMILY="tone" export HABUILD_DEVICE="kagura" # ARCH conflicts with kernel build # Need to use armv7hl instead of aarch64 until the SDK target becomes available export PORT_ARCH="armv7hl" export USE_CCACHE=1 # Extra options for building with mic export RELEASE= # Increment version to match your SDK/target/tooling export EXTRA_NAME=-kagura You can also put your Android tree somewhere else, just remember to update ``$ANDROID_ROOT`` accordingly. Android parts ------------- First, build an AOSP or LineageOS ``system.img`` using the regular android build system: ``make systemimage``. Flash that image to your device's ``system`` partition. To sync the regular AOSP build env: Comment out the following lines from ``.repo/local_manifests/sailfish-aosp.xml``: `android parts `_. Then run ``repo sync`` and ````. Enter the Android build environment and run ``make systemimage``. Save the image somewhere and then run ``make installclean`` in your Android tree. Then, swap in the patched ``bionic``, ``frameworks/base``, ``system/core`` repos by un-commenting the lines in the manifest again, run ``repo sync`` - this time without ```` afterwards - and build the needed hybris parts using ``make hybris-hal``. It is important that you do not mix these steps up! mer/Sailfish parts ------------------ Use the provided ```` script from ``droid-hal-device``. Build ``droid-hal-device``, ``droid-configs``, all needed ``middleware`` packages, and, finally, ``droid-hal-version``. It is smarter to run the individual stages of ```` manually: - ``--droid-hal`` for ``droid-hal-device`` - ``--configs`` for ``droid-configs`` - ``--mw`` for all middleware packages - ``--version`` for ``droid-hal-version`` This way, you will know which part exactly failed and do not have to rebuild everything after you have fixed a component. The middleware packages will get cloned to ``hybris/mw/*``. The built package ``.rpm`` files will go into ``$LOCAL_REPO`` (``droid-local-repo/$DEVICE/``). You need to build ``audioflingerglue`` and ``droidmedia`` manually for tone devices. Refer to the HADK and follow the steps. Then, you **must** run ```` to populate the pattern db for ``mic``. If you do not run this(or let ``--configs`` will run it for you), ``mic`` will fail to find your ``Jolla Config $DEVICE`` pattern and exit prematurely. Image building -------------- Create the kickstart file as instructed in the HADK and run ``mic create ...``. Flashing -------- The generated ``.zip`` file will not be ready to be flashed because the current build system produces an ``update-script`` that contains a ``set_metadata()`` instruction, which Android Oreo's ``updater`` binary does not understand. So, manually unzip the file, flash ``hybris-boot.img`` to the boot partition and ``system.img`` to the system partition via ``fastboot``. Then push the ``.bz2`` file to ``/sdcard/`` on the device and run these commands manually in the device's recovery, e.g. `TWRP`: .. code:: rm -rf /data/.stowaways/sailfishos/ mkdir -p /data/.stowaways/sailfishos tar --numeric-owner \ -xvjf /sdcard/sailfishos-$DEVICE-$RELEASE-$EXTRA_NAME.tar.bz2 \ -C /data/.stowaways/sailfishos rm /sdcard/sailfishos-$DEVICE-$RELEASE-$EXTRA_NAME.tar.bz2 (Subsitute ``$DEVICE`` etc. for the actual file name)